Monday is the big day: my interview.  I’ve been thinking about for a while and, oddly, I’m not all that nervous or anxious.  Of course, there is some … anticipation; after all, I’m taking on a completely new task, one that I haven’t experienced in nearly 14 years.  Luckily, I have someone that I trust that was willing to conduct a mock interview with me yesterday.  She seemed satisfied with most of my answers and made great suggestions on how I could improve my responses.  Today I’m meeting with someone else to help fill in other gaps that I may be asked about Monday morning.

Overall, I feel pretty confident, in part because I know that even if I don’t get the job, I already have one that I enjoy.  Maybe that—and the Tao of Steve—is why I’m not overly nervous.

What is the Tao of Steve?

Be desireless

Be excellent

Be gone

In other words:

Want without attachment

Present your best self

Walk away

It’s become a bit of a mantra since hearing a member of Toastmasters outline it.  I should send him a thank you letter.

I know my job. Really, I do.

My position is unique.  Most people probably think administrative assistant duties are all pretty much the same across the board.  This may be true to a point, but only in the most general of definitions.  For the most part, all admins manage phone calls, type, file, and requisition supplies.  Unless you work for a government—or… Continue reading I know my job. Really, I do.

Moving up the career ladder

New adventures can be fun…if they’re something that you’ve planned for and have certain expectations as to the end result.  When they strike with a blindsided 1-2 punch, they’re not always quite as much fun, but they are definitely exciting. For me, this year started out rough.  The first quarter of the year was met… Continue reading Moving up the career ladder

Starting Fresh

I’m beginning a new adventure. In fact, I’m beginning a couple of new adventures.  Where should I begin? This year has certainly been a bit of a roller coaster ride.  The year started out like any other: school and work constants in my life, slowly stretching my wings to participate in training events that serve… Continue reading Starting Fresh


Yes, I know, the United States is a melting pot of cultures and nationalities; a collection of people from around the globe that have emigrated here in order to establish a better future for themselves and their families.  I have nothing against immigration … if done correctly and legally.  I do, however, have a huge… Continue reading Immigration

Categorized as activism

This is my body.

It was given to me at birth. It is my property. It does not belong to anyone else. It does not belong to my mother, my husband, my children, and especially not my government. I–an independent, free American woman–strongly believe in and supports a woman’s right to choose. This does not mean that I would… Continue reading This is my body.

Marriage (is the ‘same-sex’ subtext really necessary?)

No, this has nothing to do with my children or their ADHD and mental health issues other than the fact that they see what is happening and have questions. Ok. I’ve been hearing all the rhetoric both for and against same-sex marriage; I’ve seen Facebook profile pictures change—both supporting and opposing—but I’ve been quiet on… Continue reading Marriage (is the ‘same-sex’ subtext really necessary?)

I have not kept up with the details of the most recent event further feeding the growing race war, but I will say that I don’t understand the results of the breakdown in society following one of these police brutality incidents. One of the biggest problems that I’ve seen is that people see a snippet of a video, and without knowing all of the details, the mindset and attitude of both the “victim” and “perpetrator”, or even the histories of those involved, make a judgement call based on extremely limited information. When people see one of these videos they only see part of it; they don’t see what lead up to the confrontation, only the end result. Maybe people need to step back and get all of the facts–or at least more information–before responding with a knee-jerk reaction, which usually ends up with more crimes being committed in the name of the purported victim. I’m not condoning violence on either side of the law, but creating more havoc (rioting, robbing, arson, and even more violence) is not the way to win people over. If you want to convince me that your case is worth defending, then do it without making things worse.

Out like a lion

It looks like 2014 definitely went out with a roar. So many things happened–and happening–that’s it’s almost difficult to rein it all in.  Where to start? Let’s see if I can sum up just the last month of 2014 leading into 2015: Dorothy, my friend and co-worker for the past 15 years, retired. I will… Continue reading Out like a lion