You know, I try. I work full time. I’m a mother, wife, sister, aunt, and daughter. I consider myself a damn good employee. Familiar roles consist of chauffeur, chef, and cheerleader. Occasionally, I get asked to be a confidante as well. I try. I really do. Then why do I feel like such a failure?… Continue reading I think I’ll throw myself a pity party
Author: rhetorator
Peeking between my fingers
Sometimes I feel like I’ve done my children a great disservice. At least when it comes to their education. I graduated 10th in my class, I went to college–it took me a long time, but I finally completed my degree. I know it’s too much to ask that my kids are as passionate about wanting… Continue reading Peeking between my fingers
This was a really good article by Eileen Bailey.
I forget things, even important things.
Just because I forget does not mean that it doesn’t matter. I am not trying to be a smart-alec or arrogant when I say “I forgot.” I really do forget.
I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard my kids say “I forgot” … and how badly I responded to the constant protestation.
I am not stupid.
I may sometimes lose my place during your class or take a few minutes to get my thoughts together before speaking, but I am not stupid. ADHD does not have anything to do with intellect.
No, no you’re not. I know that you’re smart, that’s why I push you.
Please be patient if I ask the same question many times or ask too many questions.
I am not trying to be arrogant, I am trying to understand. I am trying to comprehend and I am trying to remember what you have said.
I really do want to do well.
For many years, I have struggled with schoolwork. It is frustrating for me. I want to pass your class, I want to do my best, I want to feel good about the work I have done.
I do complete my homework.
I often lose papers, leave my homework at home or in my locker. Loose papers are the most difficult to keep track of, if it is possible to complete my homework in a notebook, I will be able to keep track of it better.
Don’t I know it. I can’t even come close to recalling the number of times that I’ve helped kids for hours with homework only to have it left on the dining room table.
ADHD is not an excuse, I should not use it as one, and neither should you.
ADHD is a real disorder. It causes me to forget things, to be impulsive, to act without thinking, to lose track of my belongings, to be inattentive and sometimes it causes me to process information I little more slowly.
In other words, be patient with your ADHD kid.
I need help to succeed.
This is sometimes very hard for me to accept. I do not like having to ask for help. Sometimes, asking for help makes me feel stupid. Please understand this and be patient.
If you notice me acting in inappropriate ways, please talk with me in private.
Please do not talk to me in front of the class. This is humiliating. Please do not insult me or call attention to my differences or weaknesses in front of other students.
And it’s a quick way for kids to lose respect.
I don’t like having “special accommodations” in the classroom.
Sometimes they are needed to help me succeed and do well. But that doesn’t mean that I like it. Please don’t call attention to any special treatment in front of other students. Please do not draw attention to my ADHD.
Detailed explanations of your expectations will help me.
I work best when I know exactly what you expect from me. I will do best if your expectations are in writing so that I can refer back to them if needed. The more detailed your classroom and class work plan is, the better I will do.
Absolutely. Teachers, don’t skimp on the requirements and expectations of an assignment. If you tell an ADHD kid that they don’t have to do something, but doing it will help their grade, they’ll stop listening after hearing that it’s not necessary. Details. Details. Details. If you want 150 word essay and leave it at that, don’t be surprised if it’s not double-spaced with appropriate citations. If you want it that way, tell them so.
Learning about ADHD is one of the best ways to help me.
Read about ADHD, how to teach children with ADHD and talk with parents and other teachers to learn as much as you can. Understanding and learning about ADHD will help me to do better in your class.
Knowing something about ADHD will go a long in understanding that the actions of an ADHD kid are not intended to be disruptive, but sometimes they just can’t help it.
Although I have ADHD, I am not ADHD.
I am a person; I have feelings, hopes and expectations. I have needs. I want to be liked and accepted. I want to feel good about myself. All of this is important to me.
Changes, changes, changes
Sometimes being a parent is like being a renter: it doesn’t matter how good a tenant you are, you KNOW you’re not getting your deposit back. Kids are just so frustrating sometimes. They try my patience and ask–no, DEMAND–goods and services. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy being a parent, but having three very high… Continue reading Changes, changes, changes
How does that happen?
How do we go from happily watching American Horror Story together to one child essentially running away from home? Granted, she’s safe, but that’s not really the point, is it? Why is he so hypercritical of them? They’re kids! We’ve taught them to question authority; not necessarily challenge authority, but to question it. Like it… Continue reading How does that happen?
Continuing the journey
I’ve let a little bit of time pass since my last update because I wanted to see how well Jordan did on meds and in a home situation. It’s kind of interesting that the school psychologist seemed so concerned, yet Jordan seems so much the same. Of course, she has changed. She’s not as internalized… Continue reading Continuing the journey
Not over yet…
but getting closer. My baby came home today! After I picked her, we went to The Hat for roast beef sandwiches. She got about three bites in and nearly gagged on a hair. Not her hair, either. Needless to say, we got our money back and threw the sandwich away. Because, ew. After “lunch” it… Continue reading Not over yet…
Can I get a do-over please?
I’d like to start the week over. Maybe then, I could have followed the tracks I needed to have it end up differently. I don’t believe in hell (or heaven, for that matter), but I understand the concept, the pain, associated with it. Even though I feel like I’ve been through the ringer all week,… Continue reading Can I get a do-over please?
Does it ever end?
There are no words to describe the ripping feeling that accompanies the horror that was yesterday. Yesterday, I watched as my beautiful, vibrant, energetic, 14 year old daughter was removed by ambulance from the school campus and taken to a mental health facility for a mandatory 72 hour hold. You see, that’s what they do… Continue reading Does it ever end?
Is it time for school already?
It’s been nine months since I last updated this blog. I could have had a baby in that time! … Yeah. No, not gonna happen. It’s had to tell if things have changed or not. At least with Christian. He’s removed himself from all of his medications and is actually learning how to cope with… Continue reading Is it time for school already?