It’s not looking good, Lowe’s

Wednesday, will be the two week mark from the date I ordered my washer from Lowe’s (#Lowes), and Monday, June 14 is the seventh day since my order was canceled. As of today, I still have NOT received my $872.82 refund.

I was thinking about this the other day and came to an interesting realization. Now, mind you, I paid cash for my purchase. Yes, I used my debit card, but I did not use any sort of revolving credit. A couple of things occurred to me.

  1. Had I used a credit card (MasterCard, Visa, AmEx, Discover, Lowe’s), my account would have already been credited. This would have happened almost immediately.
  2. Had I made my purchase in-store–I’m not sure how that would have happened since they obviously don’t have the product I ordered, but play along for the sake of argument–I could have gone to the register or customer service and been refunded immediately either back to my card or in cash. I would hope so, at least, since I technically paid cash.
  3. Why is it then, that I paid cash online (debit, same as cash) and it takes “3-10 days” to process a refund? According to the customer support rep that I talked to, it’s dependent on the bank and most refunds are completed within about four days. Really? Because it’s been a solid seven and I’m yet to see a fucking dime! Now, I bank with Chase and those bastards are no mom and pop outfit; they’re pretty on top of shit, so I don’t think the hold-up is on their end.

On the other hand, I’ve received a phone call from Home Depot’s logistics team and two confirming emails setting up my delivery for tomorrow between 2:00 and 6:00.

All of this waiting has seriously delayed what should have been a 3 or 4 day project revamping the laundry room. Sure, I could have painted the walls and done the flooring, but I NEED THE FUCKING REFUND TO PAY FOR THAT SHIT!

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